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Tuesday Giveaway: Nursing Essentials
February 21, 2012 4:48 pm | by

We spend quite a bit of time here on the Cotton Babies blog talking about cloth diapers and output, which does consume quite a bit of life for most babies. But of equal importance is input. At Cotton Babies, we have a variety of accessories to help you feed your little one, no matter the method.

Breastfeeding is often declared the most economical way to feed your little one in their early days because it requires the fewest accessories. You may find that a few things for mom will make the task a bit more comfortable. Two of our favorites are nursing tank tops and washable reusable nursing pads. A nursing tank from MilkDaze is a comfortable way to provide easier access for feeding. Another favorite, Hemp Babies Milk Weeds hemp nursing pads, may just save your favorite outfit from a mess next time you hear someone else’s crying baby at the grocery store.
For today’s giveaway, you have the chance to win a MilkDaze Nursing Cami and two sets of Hemp Babies Milk Weeds nursing pads to get you started! All you have to do is share your favorite feeding tip for babies or little ones. You can share your favorite piece of advice you received or tell us your favorite brand of nursing bra. We realize not everyone breastfeeds, so share your favorite feeding accessory or check out our feeding category and tell us what you want to try once your little one arrives. As long as your tip has to do with hungry babies, we want to hear it!

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Don’t forget to check the widget above for additional entry opportunities and full contest details.
Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time, Thursday, February 23, 2012. U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be drawn at random by Friday, February 24, 2012 and notified via e-mail.

About the Author

Heather is mom to four, born within 40 months (single, twins, single). She writes transparently about her chaotic household to encourage others through the twists and turns of parenting.



  • Danelle said...
    February 23, 2012 at 12:15 pm

    Ignore the naysayers! Anyone who makes you feel like you can’t or shouldn’t, ignore them. That and never hesitate to ask for help.

  • Miles From Ordinary said...
    February 23, 2012 at 1:55 am

    I got a Boppy as a gift, and it was OK. We had some Issues, so we went to a lactation consultant, and they had a “Brest Friend” It was 100% better! So I got me one of them. Now that is the gift I take to all baby showers!

  • Amanda said...
    February 22, 2012 at 8:44 am

    The tweet is off! It looks like it’s the one from last week! 🙂

  • pappi said...
    February 22, 2012 at 12:32 am

    Nurse your baby whenever! This includes on demand for both younger and older babies, plus wherever they have the need (if you’re comfortable.) Don’t let anyone tell you differently! Let other people help you while you nurse your baby. Drink plenty of water, and take care of your breasts. I really like Earth Mama Angel Baby products, they have a nipple cream and Booby Tubes that has helped me through several episodes of mastitis and a lot of nipple damage.

  • Boise Wiebers said...
    February 21, 2012 at 10:51 pm

    I Tweeted your Tweet, but it didn’t make sense for this post since it talked about winning diapers. =)

  • veronicasitao said...
    February 21, 2012 at 10:10 pm

    I was super engorged the first three days and it was borderline painful but stick with it and nurse frequently ! Try not to pump too much as your body’s adjusting. The first few weeks were hard but after about two weeks the “curl my toes” feeling went away and BF was much more comfortable. Warm compresses helped right before nursing when I was engorged. Semi-supportive bras that are still loose were great. I also had mastitis at around three weeks but never gave up. Loose nursing bras and tanks kept it at bay. My baby’s now almost 7 months and I’m still going strong…she has not gotten sick once (knock on wood) thanks to BF!

  • Jenna said...
    February 21, 2012 at 9:49 pm

    Lanolin cream! I am excited to try my new a + a swaddles as a nursing cover this time.

  • Ryan Family said...
    February 21, 2012 at 9:16 pm

    My two pieces of advice: The first week was the hardest, but it slowly got better after that — so just keep trying despite the hormonal rollercoaster. Second is to be an advocate for yourself if you choose to pump at work. You might need to push for a private pumping room or a 20-minute break to pump — but you’re the best advocate for yourself.

  • Anonymous said...
    February 21, 2012 at 9:02 pm

    I love nursing camis that open at the top with a shirt over it. They allow you to nurse in public without your belly hanging out.

  • Michelle said...
    February 21, 2012 at 7:57 pm

    Trust yourself. Yu know your baby and you know when their hungry. Don’t let other people get in your head making you think that your baby isnt “getting enough” my daughter was really dainty when she was an infant and I constantly had people wondering if she was eating enough. Both her Dr and I were happy with her weight gain and that’s all that matters!!

  • Mommy2HavenNHudson said...
    February 21, 2012 at 6:34 pm

    Awesome advice, mommas! As a mommy of soon to be 3, I’m prepping myself to try nursing for the very first time. Looooove all the advice I can get the BTDT mommas!!

  • DoubleElle84 said...
    February 21, 2012 at 6:29 pm

    My best nursing advice is to not second guess yourself. I have many friends who tried breast feeding, only to quit very early on because they didn’t think they were being successful, were afraid they weren’t making enough milk, etc. As long as your baby is happy and is gaining weight, don’t worry so much!

  • Meatball's Mommy said...
    February 21, 2012 at 6:10 pm

    Nursing is a learning experience for mommy and baby. No one knows how to ride a bike without teaching, practicing, and encouragement and breast feeding works the same way. Seek help from experts (other moms work well), practice lots, and surround yourself with others that are supportive. Be patient with baby and yourself. In time it’ll feel natural and then you can truly enjoy the amazing relationship you are about to experience.

  • Anonymous said...
    February 21, 2012 at 6:01 pm

    Keep at it! My first two took to breastfeeding right away but my third struggled. However within a few weeks he was nursing like a champ! Wear clothes that make it easy and convenient to breastfeed. Take the time to ENJOY breastfeeding…they will be done and on to other things before you know it!

  • Amber said...
    February 21, 2012 at 5:57 pm

    With my first I tried so hard to get her on a schedule and we struggled. With my second I’ve let her lead and it’s been much easier. She nurses when she wants and we’re both happier that way. One thing I love are simple prefolds diapers for burp cloths. They cover the shoulder well and really soak up spit up quickly.

  • kgvollmer said...
    February 21, 2012 at 5:39 pm

    Don’t nurse on a schedule, nurse when you baby in hungry! Sounds so simple but it’s not the advice given to lots of new mamas 🙂

  • Mary said...
    February 21, 2012 at 5:39 pm

    Breastfeeding can be challenging in the early days, but once you both get the hang of it nothing is more simple and nutritious. One of my most favorite times is when my baby falls asleep at the breast and snuggles in close and comfy. I recommend a nice supportive and comfortable chair for nursing, I use a rocking lazy boy recliner which is great, baby falls asleep, you can recline and sleep too!
    1 big baby boy 23lbs at 7 months breastfed all the way!

  • Kim said...
    February 21, 2012 at 5:35 pm

    When I had my daughter, she never would wake up for feedings. The nurse suggested I undress her and have her nurse with just a diaper. It kept her awake and the skin to skin contact is important for little ones!

  • Anonymous said...
    February 21, 2012 at 5:34 pm

    Lanolin!!!! Such a big help for painful first weeks. Would love these accessories as my third will arrive in Aug and a lot of my stuff is worn out, or got left when we made a big move. lisadotfelch@gmaildotcom

  • Karen Troughton said...
    February 21, 2012 at 5:28 pm

    I’m only seven weeks in with my first baby, but my advice would be to stick with breastfeeding if you can – it does get better! The first few days (or weeks) can be really, really hard, but it’s SO worth powering through.