With this month being National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, we’re not only celebrating this special time between a mom and baby, but also promoting how to make breastfeeding “work” in the workplace.
Cotton Babies has “made it work” from day one. Cotton Babies Founder and CEO Jenn Labit started the business with her eight-week old baby by her side. Her very first employee started while several months pregnant, with her second employee soon to follow. Pretty soon, there were multiple moms with babies in the workplace. It worked then and even though we’ve expanded a lot over the years, it still works today!
Fast forward to today. We currently have six mamas expecting – one with twins! Most of our mamas choose to work up until baby is born. They’re all offered 12 weeks of maternity leave, and when they’re ready, they are welcomed back to work with their baby. All of our moms are allowed paid breaks to breastfeed, pump, or simply care for their baby as often as needed. Though we understand it may be an adjustment for some to see babies or breastfeeding in the workplace, we feel this is a crucial time in a baby’s life and make it a priority to allow mom and baby to stay together.
We’ve found that having these little ones around the workplace not only helps to build that special connection between mom and baby in the early years of baby’s life, but also has helped to develop to the culture of our business.
Our CEO, Jenn Labit recently wrote a detailed blog post about breastfeeding at work (including helpful human resources documentation). Learn more about how we “make it work” here at Cotton Babies: “Our Employees Bring Babies to Work… And How We Make It Work.”
1 Comment
Dear Chelsea
My elder sister do breast feeding to her 1 and half years baby from the beginning. Currently she discovered that the baby affected by some sort of rashes. She is confused that are the rashes caused by continuous breast feeding or not. One of her neighbors advise her to stop the breast feeding. In this situation she is confused that what should she does.
you are requested to make an advice for her.