With this month being National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, we’re not only celebrating this special time between a mom and baby, but also promoting how to make breastfeeding “work” in the workplace. Cotton Babies has “made it work” from day one. Cotton Babies Founder and CEO Jenn Labit started the business with her eight-week old baby by her side. Her very first employee started while several months pregnant, with her second employee soon to follow. Pretty soon, there were multiple moms with babies in the workplace. It worked then and even though we’ve expanded a lot over the years, it still works
jenn’s thoughts
Having started my business with a little person in my lap or crawling around my feet, I am an avid advocate for parents who want to bring a baby to work for a period of time after returning from maternity leave. Making this allowance for employees enables them to further develop the parenting relationship after baby joins their family and, where applicable, also elongates the length of time a parent is able to exclusively breastfed a child. Employers who want to have a family friendly environment can make some simple adjustments to their employee manual that allow this to be possible and productive for both the
I recently read a post in a forum from a cloth diapering mom complaining that her cloth diapers weren’t clean. Her friend had told her to use a sprinkle of detergent when washing her cloth diapers. She was frustrated because the amount of detergent she was using wasn’t working. As I read the responses, I realized that many of the people writing had profiles that were relatively new and were probably unaware of the history of washing recommendations in the cloth diaper industry. This post grew out of a desire to bring some clarity to that history. The “tiny little
There’s a lingering recommendation in the cloth diaper community that a few drops of tea tree oil will remove yeast in cloth diapers. We are not aware of any study showing that tea tree oil is effective in removing yeast from cloth diapers when used in a washing machine in very low concentrations. We do know that tea tree oil has been studied as an effective remedy for a few common human ailments including acne and athletes foot. In the published studies I uncovered, effective treatment involved a concentrated topical solution ranging from 5-100% concentration. To achieve this concentration in a laundry environment
Our team is settling back into the office after the excitement of the 2011 ABC Trade Show, one of the largest juvenile trade shows in the industry. This is the show where buyers from retailers worldwide go to see the latest and greatest product innovations. It’s always exciting what new things are being brought to the table, we’ve hand selected some new fun products of all kinds and they will begin arriving at Cotton Babies over the next several months. We were personally thrilled to present the new bumGenius Freetime and Flip Training Pants to retailers as well as giving
Need diapers for your baby? This article is full of help tips! Almost Free Diapers: how to diaper your baby when you can’t afford disposable or cloth diapers. Diapers are expensive Over the weekend, a customer shared with us this news report from Manhattan’s NY1: High Cost Of Diapers Forces Some Parents Into Risky Practices. It breaks my heart because I personally know what it feels like to have to choose food OR diapers. When my husband and I started Cotton Babies, we were living on $30 a week for groceries plus a WIC check. That certainly wasn’t enough to
I received this question on my Facebook page this week. It was posted by Bethany Haid, a Cotton Babies customer and a bumGenius user. Bethany writes: Jen, I have a friend that said, “So what? I don’t really care about all the waste.” How do you respond to people who are intolerant of cloth diapering or really indifferent about the negative impacts of paper diapers? Just wondering! Bethany’s question is so good that I thought I’d answer it here on the blog rather than let it get lost in the bowels of Facebook. You have a few choices.
Do we have any poop experts who read this blog? If so, I need your help. We have pooping day in our house. It’s usually a day that we pick Elsie up from the babysitter and find out that she productively filled four diapers that day. Every single child will go at least once, maybe twice, and almost always during dinner. Sometimes, Jimmy and I will have a moment of shared hilarity when the last child finally yells for help wiping their bottom. Other times, like today, it’s not so funny. I’m ready to call the pediatrician and ask
The Top 10 Cloth Diaper Industry Events of 2010 Analysis and opinion by Jennifer L. Labit, owner of Cotton Babies, Inc. Creator of bumGenius, Flip & Econobum. 10. For several years, the cloth diaper market has been primarily work at home mom based. Throughout the year, a number of retailers and several manufacturers (including Thirsties) were sold to growth-minded investors. This is a continuing trend from 2009 perhaps showing that we are entering a new phase for the product category. 9. In late October, gDiapers entered the European market. 8. In early October, we launched the
Jimmy Perkins (formerly handled your returns… now doing inventory) surprised us with a fun remix of Christmas music last Thursday. Cotton Babies culture at it’s finest. 🙂 Our social media coordinator, Heather Vaughn, made a video with what he did and we wanted to share it with you… Merry Christmas everyone! Lots of love, Jenn & Jimmy Labit Click here if player isn’t loading.