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just for fun

Tuesday Giveaway: Freetime for the holidays!
November 13, 2012 5:26 pm | by

Who doesn’t need a little extra free time during the holidays? bumGenius Freetime is a convenient, all-in-one style cloth diaper that doesn’t require stuffing, saving a little bit of time every time you wash your cloth diapers. Sure, stuffing pocket style cloth diapers only takes 10-15 minutes every few days, but what could you do with an extra hour each week during the holidays? Bake some cookies, wrap gifts, read a book in front of the fire, knit a pair of mittens or maybe you would rather just take a nap. As a mom, I can’t guarantee any of those

Tuesday Giveaway: You Decide 2012!
November 6, 2012 4:30 pm | by

Today is a day we celebrate the right to choose! Here at Cotton Babies we’re not only celebrating the right to chose our leaders and government representatives, but also our right to chose the type of cloth diaper that works best for you and your baby. We believe the best candidate for choice is Flip Diapers! Flip diapers gives you the choice of two different closures in the cover, as well as the choice of three different types of absorbent inserts for whatever situation life may throw at you. Whether you need the ease of hook & loop or the

Tuesday Giveaway: Dress up time!
October 30, 2012 5:30 pm | by

One of my favorite things about children is seeing how much they love to play dress up. They find such joy in imitating people, animals and objects around them. I find this time of year especially fun because not only is there an abundance of candy, but it’s okay for people of all ages to dress up and pretend to be something or someone else — even if it’s only for a few hours. Last weekend, our retail stores held a costume contest, but we don’t want you to miss out on the fun too! For this week’s giveaway, we’re

Tuesday Giveaway: Cloth diapers for any budget!
October 23, 2012 4:30 pm | by

Considering cloth diapers? Want to give it a try, but don’t want to invest hundreds to see if it will work for your family? We have a solution for you! Econobum cloth diapers were specifically designed to fit any budget and to diaper from birth through potty training for as little as $100. Maybe you don’t want to invest the full $100 to start. If you are currently using disposables and considering cloth diapers, may I suggest the Econobum Trial Pack? Each trial pack includes a one-size cover and three inserts that can be adjusted to fit most babies from

Thursday Giveaway: Just a reminder
October 18, 2012 1:00 pm | by

I am so tired. Are you? In the last seven days, I’ve worked in the office and from home; attended scout meetings; cared for a fevering, vomitting child; endured a traveling husband and had way too many sleepless nights. Last night, I threw in the towel, fed my kids drive thru dinner and took them to a park. Once they were finished eating, I let them run around and pretended they weren’t my children. Don’t worry, I kept a safe eye on “other people’s kids.” By pretending for a moment that my children were just kids on a playground, I

Tuesday Giveaway: Sleep like a baby!
October 9, 2012 2:30 pm | by

Don’t you just love how people love to use that phrase “sleep like a baby”? That is, until they become parents and quickly learn how babies actually sleep. If I could actually give you sleep in today’s giveaway, I would. As a parent, I know how precious sleep is. But since I can’t give you sleep, I’ll try to give you the next best thing… a cloth diapering accessory that (hopefully) helps your little one sleep just a bit longer at night. We are often asked how to prevent cloth diaper leaks in little ones at nap and bed time

Tuesday Giveaway: Gateway to Green
October 2, 2012 12:00 pm | by

One of the things I love most about cloth diapering is that you can do it in baby steps (pun intended). You can start with a few cloth diapers, then expand once you get the hang of it and find a style you like. If you are like me, once you master cloth diapers, you start looking around for other reusable products to add to your green arsenal. That’s why I think cloth diapers are a gateway to a greener lifestyle.   Once you cloth diaper, a logical next step is to add cloth baby wipes. Sure, you can use

Tuesday Giveaway: Have you tried bumGenius Freetime?
September 18, 2012 10:06 am | by

It’s so hard for us to believe it’s been more than a year since we introduced the bumGenius Freetime all-in-one style cloth diaper. We know many of you have already tried and love the bumGenius Freetime, but we know not everyone has had the opportunity to experience it in person. So today, to celebrate the bumGenius Freetime Buy 5, Get 1 FREE sale, our Cotton Babies prize packs will each include a bumGenius Freetime cloth diaper and coordinating pair of bumGenius BabyLegs. To enter this week’s contest, simply tell us what is your favorite style of cloth diapers? Do you

Inside Cotton Babies: Afternoon DJ
September 5, 2012 2:05 pm | by

At Cotton Babies, we love music! If you walked through our office and warehouse, you’d see people with iPods, wearing ear buds and occasionally music coming through speakers. In the marketing office, we even like to play “Afternoon DJ,” a game in which we each take turns choosing a song that’s often based on a theme for the day. Our musical styles vary greatly, as do our ages, so the result is often fun and entertaining. To celebrate 30,000 Facebook likes on the Cotton Babies page, we put together a little playlist to give you an inside peek at what

Tuesday Giveaway: Going, going, gone!
August 28, 2012 12:58 pm | by

Just like the fleeting days of summer, there are only a few days remaining to grab your favorite Buy 5, Get 1 FREE deal on bumGenius 4.0 cloth diapers. This great deal ends Friday, August 31, 2012. Whether you’ve recently found out your family is growing by another 2 (or more) feet, you want to add a few new colors to your rotation, or you just want to stock up for all those baby showers you’ll be attending later this fall, now is the perfect time to catch our best deal on bumGenius 4.0 cloth diapers. We recently added another