A teething toddler can be just as tough to handle as a teething baby. Those first and second year molars can be a real bother for your energetic little and a stressful time for mama as well. Today, I’m sharing a few helpful tips that have done wonders for my (almost) two year old. So, what are the most common teething symptoms in toddlers? Some of the most common teething symptoms include: refusal to eat biting swollen gums, sensitive gums drooling disrupted sleep irritable Teething Remedies Teething Toys – The Jellystone jChews are perfect for teething toddlers. They are strong enough for your little
Tag Archive: Parenting
Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. Leaves falling off the trees, windows open, candles burning, pumpkin and apple everything, ohhhh yes! Fall is here! My family has a few traditions we do every year that makes us happy that summer has ended. Apple Picking. We love to go apple picking at a local orchard. We take pictures, eat apples while picking them, and just enjoy being outside with our family. The week after, I make a bunch of homemade applesauce, apple pies, and other apple yummy treats. Pumpkin Picking. We love picking pumpkins as well! We
Looking back now, there are a few things I wish I could go back and tell my postpartum self… Soak up the moment – Of course I remember my birthing experience, but it happened so fast that some of it is a blur to me. I wish I would have taken more pictures of my little guy in the hospital and I regret not getting a picture of the 3 of us when we were in the hospital. If I had to go back and do it again I would of hired a birth photographer. They are well worth the
“When are you finding out?” It’s the question everyone asks as soon as they find out you’re pregnant. They want to know when you’ll find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. But what if you don’t want to find out? When you announce that, people are surprised- why wouldn’t you want to know? There are lots of reasons to find out before birth or not to, but here was the thought process that went into each of our decisions… With our first child, my husband really wanted to know. He said he didn’t like yellow or
It’s hard to find a nursing tank that meets all of my criteria – not too skimpy, supportive, comfortable, and easy to nurse in. With the birth of my third baby in April, I was on the lookout for the perfect tank. The MilkDaze Nursing Cami has been the best I’ve found so far. The nursing tank is true to size. I wear a large shirt and the large tank fits well. It’s nice and long, which I like because I don’t want my postpartum belly popping out of my clothes. The tank is a bit low cut, but it’s perfect to
Why do I have to convince my mother that cloth diapering is wonderful? Out of all the things in the world that mothers should be resistant to — tick bites, sunburns, trans fats, twerking — cloth diapering should NEVER be one of them. Why are our own mothers (and grandmothers and mothers in law and aunts and every other woman who had babies in the 70s and 80s) the hardest people to convince that cloth diapering is wonderful? Half of them even cloth diapered their own kids! I find that most people (like my mom) who are resistant to cloth diapers have unpleasant memories.
My little guy has been quite interested in the potty for a few months now so my husband and I decided it was time to venture into the potty training world. I was a little hesitant as where to even start with the whole potty training stage. After chatting with a few Mom’s and hearing their suggestions/experiences we decided to give the WeePOD Basix. The first thing I noticed when we received the potty seat was the quality of the seat. It’s made from a super soft foam material, similar to a bumbo seat, which makes the seat firm, but
We recently went on a family outing and I spent so much energy, money and time planning this special event. My expectations were so high of how much the kids would love it, but the reality was the trip was filled with a lot of drama. From getting everything organized and packed and all the kids dressed, by the time we got there, my husband and I were so exhausted. It was a bummer trip. On our way home we decided to stop at Starbucks and a local hair salon because my husband wanted a quick haircut. I sat outside on
Evidently, being a mother means never going to the bathroom alone, always sharing your food, late nights and early mornings, and having to change cloth diapers, clean up snot, poop, and vomit on a regular basis. Welcome to motherhood! As a mother, I rarely get time to myself to even think but it’s very important that I do get some “me” time here and there. And you need it too!! Being a woman is not easy. (Being a person in general isn’t easy!) But women seem to have things constantly on their shoulders. I know I always have a meal
I have always liked kids. I was the number one babysitter on my street, a second mom to my little brother and worked at a daycare for my summer jobs. No one was surprised when I graduated college with an Early Childhood degree. After you graduate and teach for a while, you definitely become the expert on kids – or so I thought. I would even stop moms with screaming toddlers at the grocery stores and give them tips on “positive reinforcement.” I am very sorry. I loved giving parenting “advice” to those who were close because I was the expert…