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Tag Archive: stinky diapers

Cloth 201: Traveling? Don’t forget the dirty diapers!
May 14, 2012 2:47 pm | by

A few weeks ago, our car started smelling really weird. At first, I ignored it because really, when does a car carrying two toddlers smell GOOD? But eventually we broke down and did a full-car clean out. What did we find in the back hatch area of our car? A slightly wet cloth diaper! Fortunately, it was only wet and not solid waste. Can you imagine if had been poop? I can guarantee that we would have found it sooner! Keeping up with diapers and wet bags is just another mom duty that comes along with cloth diapering. Even the

Cloth Diapering 101: Sunning your cloth diapers
March 12, 2012 11:14 am | by

It is a gorgeous, sunny day here in St. Louis, which is a great reminder that spring is on its way. That means, after the long dreary days of winter, it’s finally time to get those diapers out for some sun! If you’ve never tried sunning your cloth diapers, now is a great time to start. Sunning your diapers can help to remove stains, brighten and even sanitize your diapers. You don’t have to have a clothesline to do this. You can use a drying rack outside, lay them on your patio furniture or even along the edge of your

Wet Towel Trick
October 24, 2011 1:10 am | by
Prepping Cloth Diapers

Sometimes a very small load of diapers in a front-loading washing machine needs a little bit of help to get enough water in the machine. Try our “Wet Towel Trick”. Adding a wet bath towel to the beginning of your wash routine. Let the towel go through all the wash cycles (hot, cold and rinses). For washers that are weight-sensitive, this will encourage the machine to add more water to every cycle. If you have further questions or need more detailed troubleshooting for your laundry routine, please give us a call at 1-314-892-1855. We’re always glad to learn more about

Things I learn about cloth diapers – while traveling internationally
April 1, 2010 10:17 am | by

I’ve done quite a bit of traveling for business. Everywhere I go, I look for cloth diapers and how other cultures handle diaper care. Diaper care is an important issue in other parts of the world too, so I’m just as interested in what people put on their baby’s bottom as I am in how they take care of it after it’s dirty. In every bathroom, in every country, I notice the toilet design, what’s on the wall, whether or not there is toilet paper, how many years it might have been since the toilet was cleaned… (you get the

Laundry in a Minute
May 3, 2008 10:32 pm | by

I deal with a mind boggling amount of laundry each week. Having nine people in the house will do that to a family, especially when those nine people include a spitty baby, a daddy who gets really dirty in his work, a three year old who loves to play in the sand, and a little princess who loves to wear multiple outfits each day. Adding in the multiple washes suggested for cloth diapers can make me feel like I am getting backed up even further. Here are some ways that I stay on top of things, maybe they can help