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Dealing with sleep deprivation
March 7, 2012 3:00 am | by

How do you start a blog post about sleep deprivation, when you’re a little sleep deprived? Much like you start or don’t ever finish anything: poorly and slowly! Are you reading this at 3am while someone very small is a) eating b) crying or c) pooping? Or is it nice and sunny outside but you’re a little disgruntled because you did not really get as much sleep as you’d wanted out of the nighttime hours? I know how you feel! As a new mom, sleep deprivation is unavoidable. It’s probably one of the first pieces of advice you received when

Tuesday Giveaway: It’s my Momiversary!
March 6, 2012 6:51 am | by

Today is my Momiversary. What’s that, you ask? Well, put simply, today is my oldest child’s birthday, therefore the day I became a mom. I know technically that you become a mom before birth, but I don’t know the exact day I conceived and I’m not a fan of math, so I make it easy on myself and call today my Momiversary. The truth is, even while pregnant, most of my life was the same. The really big changes came the moment he exited my body and entered the world. Nothing has been the same since. There’s just something special

February 29, 2012 4:37 pm | by

I was working on the couch one afternoon as my girls sat on the floor. Vivi had just learned to sit up and Addie had just gone to her first gymnastics class, which meant Addie’s gymnastic skills were pretty equal to Vivi’s sitting skills, wobbly at best. Addie attempted a cartwheel and landed in a lump of gangly limbs on the floor, Vivi began to laugh from so deep inside her plump little belly she sounded like an old man gasping for breath. Upon seeing the power Addie had upon her baby sister, she began to fall all over herself

Tuesday Giveaway: All Wrapped Up
February 28, 2012 6:07 pm | by

I’ll be the first to admit, I love to swaddle a newborn. Swaddling is a technique where you wrap a baby tightly in a large blanket to secure their arms and legs. It can help soothe the baby, as many believe it reminds infants of the womb. I didn’t do it very often with my oldest son, but with my other children, I swaddled them for as long as I possibly could. I know not every child likes to be swaddled, but mine did. It was a lifesaver for our whole family. It helped our babes fall asleep and stay

What I Didn’t Know About Nursing
February 22, 2012 5:57 pm | by

Editor’s note: Today we bring to you two stories from real moms about nursing. We understand that each mother’s journey is different and at Cotton Babies we celebrate those differences. We encourage you to read both Jessica and Casey‘s stories. If you find one resonates with your personal experience, we ask you share some love with our guest bloggers by leaving them a note in the comments. ___ I always knew I wanted to breastfeed. I was happy to be able to do so successfully for 15 months. I didn’t read any books beforehand or take a class, so I

I Couldn’t Nurse
February 22, 2012 5:57 pm | by

Editor’s note: Today we bring to you two stories from real moms about nursing. We understand that each mother’s journey is different and at Cotton Babies we celebrate those differences. We encourage you to read both Jessica and Casey‘s stories. If you find one resonates with your personal experience, we ask you share some love with our guest bloggers by leaving them a note in the comments. ___ With my first baby I had my own ideas as to why I was unable to nurse, obviously my milk never coming in *may* have had something to do with it, but

Tuesday Giveaway: Fun for Fashionistas
February 14, 2012 2:35 pm | by

We have a lot to celebrate this week at Cotton Babies. Jenn and Jimmy’s daughter, Elsie, turned 3 years old yesterday. Join us to celebrate at her Birthday Party and Spring Fashion show at our retail stores this Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon. Speaking of fashion, did you know one of the hot new colors for spring fashion is one of the newest colors of bumGenius cloth diapers? We were thrilled to see Sassy (aka Tangerine Tango) on Pantone’s list of hot colors for spring 2012 for both men and women. To share the party with all our online

4moms Origami Stroller
February 10, 2012 9:24 am | by

Warning: This blog post could cause instant baby fever. Last fall, when the Cotton Babies team travelled to the ABC Kids Expo, we could not get enough of this new stroller and couldn’t wait to get it into our stores and online for our customers. Even I said to Jenn, “Wow, this is so awesome it makes me almost want to have another baby…. almost.” (It’s an awesome stroller, but uninterrupted sleep is really awesome in my book.)   Why is it such an amazing stroller? I’m so glad you asked. The 4moms Origami stroller is a power folding stroller.

Feeding Your Family
February 8, 2012 3:49 pm | by

Do you ever painstakingly make dinner and set it on the table, proud of your effort, only to have one (or more) of your kids look at the meal, look up at you, look back at the meal, back at you and then announce, “I don’t like [fill in hated food of the moment here]?” Or how about at the end of a busy day when you’re already daydreaming about putting pajamas on after the kids have gone to bed and one of your kids looks at you and says, “I’m hungry, what’s for dinner?” and you realize that you

Tuesday Giveaway: Cloth wipes just make cents!
February 7, 2012 3:01 am | by

Yesterday on this blog, Jessica shared how using cloth wipes with your cloth diapers can save you even more money. So today, we wanted to get a few lucky customers started down the journey to saving even more with a starter set of bumGenius cloth wipes, bumGenius Bottom Cleaner and a bumGenius 4.0 cloth diaper. Jenn shared on Pinterest why she loves the bumGenius cloth wipes: “I can’t say enough good things about these flannel baby wipes. I have a drawer full of them in the kitchen. Now that we’ve moved beyond the baby stage, they get used for faces,