Tag Archive: baby blankets
Anyone who’s had a newborn knows for such tiny people they sure do need a lot of belongings. When expecting moms ask me for tips on starting their registry I have some simple advice to keep in mind. When you create your baby registry for the first time, start out by adding items that your child 100% needs during the first month of life. It’ll be less overwhelming if you have a starting point. Besides the obvious infant car seat and stroller, crib or bassinet; think bottles, burp cloths, diapers, towels and swaddle blankets. I find you can never have
Everyday I see something new for babies; some new gadget, toy, or item that is guaranteed to make your life as parents easier. When reality hits though and your sweet bundle of love is home and in your arms, the items you will use the most are pretty minimal. Here are some tips of things you really need and how to get them when baby prepping your life. Prepping a Sleeping Space for the Baby Figure out where your baby is going to sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends baby sharing a room with you for the first 6