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Cloth Diapers

What’s in a Name Like Maathai?
February 14, 2017 12:18 pm | by

Truly Genius Tuesday has returned! Since today is Valentine’s Day, which is traditionally filled with all things pink and red and lovely, we decided to feature Maathai. This sweet print joined our Genius Series with Irwin in March of 2013. What’s in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; ~ William Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet (1) In addition to her wonderful accomplishments, this genius is known for being a bit of a tongue twister around Cotton Babies. She sells sea shells by the sea shore… well no… our Genius didn’t sell sea shells

Truly Genius Tuesday, Featuring Louis
February 7, 2017 11:34 am | by

It’s Truly Genius Tuesday! Is that music to your ears?! Maybe you can guess who we’re trumpeting this week? Maybe we should just give the puns a rest and get down to business… This week’s genius is the jazz legend himself, Louis Armstrong! Louis was the first musician celebrated in our Genius Series in December 2014. Mozart joined him in August 2016… and Giovanni… or rather Accidental attempted to be a genius in April 2016. Louis Armstrong was an incredible musician and singer, known for his innovative performances on the trumpet and deep, gravelly voice. He made a foundational impact

Will You Be Mine?
February 3, 2017 4:12 pm | by

Designed with precious little ones in mind, Be Mine was created to benefit the Children’s Heart Foundation, an organization dedicated to finding a cure for children born with a Congenital Heart Defect. In honor of a few special little members of our Facebook community, The Cotton Babies Mob, a portion of the sales from each cloth diaper purchase will go to support this organization. Made to inspire love and hope, this special print is beautifully-designed with hearts and arrows in a stunning combination of Fearless, White, Pepper and Kiss. Be Mine is currently available for PRE-ORDER in the following cloth

Truly Genius Tuesday, Featuring Sierpinski
January 31, 2017 11:00 am | by

Truly Genius Tuesday has returned! This week, we’re celebrating Sierpinski’s Genius Series birthday! This geometric print, honoring Waclaw Sierpinski, joined our Genius Series on January 27, 2016. What makes Sierpinski so genius? In addition to this fun cloth diaper print, the Sierpinski Triangle (or Tetrahedron) was also named after Waclaw Sierpinski, and that’s not all! His namesakes also include: A street in Warsaw, where he was a professor at the University of Warsaw for over 40 years. The Sierpinski Carpet – a plane fractal, the technique of subdividing a shape into smaller copies of itself, removing one or more copies, and continuing recursively can be extended

Introducing Truly Genius Tuesday
January 24, 2017 11:00 am | by

[adinserter block=”1″] Introducing Truly Genius Tuesday. One of our favorite brands at Cotton Babies happens to be one of our own, the Genius Series! It all started several years ago when we were looking to feature prints on bumGenius and Flip cloth diapers. bumGenius has developed quite a personality over the years, and it was important to our team that we tell a special story, so we thought: why not tell the stories of geniuses who inspire us? Through our research, we’ve discovered all sorts of geniuses! From treasure hunters to mathematicians, adventurers to movie stars, each person has used their talents to

Econobum Trial Pack
January 19, 2017 8:00 am | by

Cloth diapering can be intimidating in the beginning… There are so many different brands and styles to choose from, the upfront cost can be a bit daunting and the commitment to laundry may seem tiring. We get it. But we’re here to tell you – it’s not as intimidating as it may seem! We’ve made it simple for you… enter Econobum Trial Pack. Simple and affordable, Econobum was created with families on a budget in mind. Featuring a one-size cover and adjustable prefolds, the Econobum diapering system is made to grow with baby, enabling families to affordably diaper their babies

Cloth Diapering and Family Gatherings
December 23, 2016 9:00 am | by

Our midwives not only deliver babies, but get to talk with new mothers about a lot of the challenges facing them in their transition into parenthood. It’s that time of year again: traveling and meeting up with family for the holidays. Traveling with kids is challenging enough, but if you cloth diaper – especially if you’re fairly new to it – it can be downright intimidating. You may pray that your baby doesn’t need a diaper change when you’re out and about. It’s normal to be nervous about the mechanics of cloth diapering outside of the house, but like anything else,

Taking Cloth Diapers to Daycare
November 23, 2016 8:00 am | by

Cloth diapers and daycare: can it really be done? For many families, successfully using cloth diapers at daycare is simply a matter of routine. If you’re struggling with how to get started using cloth when your child is in someone else’s care, this guide will help you get started. Talking to Your Provider Whether you’re choosing a daycare provider for the first time or swapping to cloth with the provider you are currently using, you need to have a discussion with your provider about cloth diapering at daycare. Be prepared with: Information about modern cloth diapers and just how simple

New! bumGenius Elemental Review
November 18, 2016 12:00 pm | by

I’m going to make a little confession… When I first discovered bumGenius cloth diapers, I tried out every one of their diaper styles. This is how I fell in love with bumgenius Freetimes… However, I just could not find the love for the bumGenuis Elemental. At that point, the second version of the Elemental (with the exposed PUL) had launched and the original versions were a thing of the past. As much as I wanted to, I just could not get the hang of it, so I sold it to a friend and loaded my stash up with Freetimes and 4.0 pocket diapers. But then….

Why I Love Cloth Diapers
November 1, 2016 8:00 am | by

I love cloth diapers. I’m sort of a cloth diaper addict, if you will. I enjoy purchasing them. I enjoy having the cutest new prints and the classic colors that match my baby’s outfits. They’re not viewed as “poop catchers” to me. Sure, that is what they’re intended for and that is their primary function…. But I just see them as something more. My love for cloth diapers began shortly after discovering bumGenius cloth diapers. The colors were adorable and the prints were just beginning. I noticed them when Jules and Carroll had just come out and at the time –