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Tag Archive: Cotton Babies

Cotton Babies Warranty
March 15, 2015 7:12 pm | by

After reviewing the feedback received through customer surveys regarding detergent choice and washing routines, Cotton Babies has decided to make several major changes. We are discontinuing our list of recommended detergents. Instead, we are recommending that parents choose a detergent that works well for their family, their budget, and their child. The new detergent information sheet along with basic washing instructions is available here. In concert with this decision, we are also modifying the warranty that applies to Cotton Babies manufactured cloth diapers (bumGenius, Flip, and Econobum). This warranty change will be honored retroactively on purchases of all Cotton Babies manufactured cloth diapers purchased since January 1,

Thursday Giveaway: Just For Mom!
March 11, 2015 6:46 pm | by

Everyone deserves a little something special, especially when you’re a mom, which means you devote the majority of your time making everyone else feel that way. If that’s the case, we want to make you feel special. And for this week’s giveaway, the name says it all — it’s just for mom!  Packed with goodies any mom will love, this week’s prize pack is a $20 gift certificate to Cotton Babies, a Genius Series tote, a You’re One Good Mum T-shirt, and a Flip One-Size Diaper Cover! One lucky person will win. To enter, tell us what you love most about being a

Thursday Giveaway: I Dream of Cloth Diapers
March 5, 2015 10:06 pm | by

It’s midnight and you’re probably getting ready to catch some ZZZzzs. So what’s a cloth diapering parent think of once their head hits the pillow? Is it.. A. Cloth diapers B. More cloth diapers C. Even more cloth diapers D. All of the above For this week’s giveaway, we want to make your dreams come true. Three people will win a bumGenius, Flip or Econobum cloth diaper of their choice and a pair of bumGenius BabyLegs.  To enter, answer the question above in the comments section. a Rafflecopter giveaway Eligible entries must be posted no later than midnight Eastern time,

Thursday Giveaway: Overnights Made Easy
February 26, 2015 8:56 pm | by

Are you awake? If so, what are the chances you’re feeding your baby or changing a diaper? Probably pretty high. When it comes to using cloth diapers, keeping your little one dry through the night may seem impossible. (Hence why you’re up changing a wet diaper right now.) But with 100-percent certified Hemp products from Hemp Babies, you can add extra absorbency to any cloth diaper and keep your baby dry, so say goodbye to those soaked sheets and clothes! Hemp Babies were created for heavy wetters or parents who prefer a more natural solution on their child’s bottom. For this week’s giveaway, we

Thursday Giveaway: The Great Valentine’s Day Giveaway
February 11, 2015 5:43 pm | by

Valentine’s Day is just a few days away, so get ready to surround yourself with chocolates, flowers, and candy hearts. But just because these items are traditional Valentine’s Day gifts, doesn’t mean you have to indulge.  This Valentine’s Day, we’re helping Cupid spread the love. One lucky winner will win a bounty of cloth diaper swag to adore, including three bumGenius diapers of their choice, a bumGenius Outing Wet Bag, a pack of bumGenius Flannel Wipes and a pair of bumGenius BabyLegs. To enter, tell us how you’ll be spending this Valentine’s Day. a Rafflecopter giveaway Eligible entries must be posted no

Review: Bump Nest Pregnancy Pillow
January 30, 2015 11:50 am | by

Let’s talk about the Bump Nest Pregnancy Pillow. When I was expecting, I wasn’t sure I was going to need a special pregnancy pillow. A pillow is a pillow, right? Wrong! I received the Bump Nest pillow as a gift before I even had a baby bump. I felt reluctant to use it so early in my pregnancy, but hey — I also felt reluctant to wear maternity pants before I absolutely HAD to. Never again will I wait to use either of those things. DO IT NOW! Heck, do it even if you’re not even pregnant. The Bump Nest pillow,

Cloth Diaper Basics: What IS a cloth diaper?
January 26, 2015 6:50 pm | by

This post is for the cloth diaper novice. In fact, it’s for the people who don’t even really know what a cloth diaper is. This is probably because disposable diapers have saturated the market so much so that many people today have either forgotten about cloth or (sadly) never even heard about this option. So, let’s go back to the question. What is a cloth diaper? For those who don’t know, a cloth diaper is a reusable piece of fabric that your baby wears to catch waste. So to put it simply, a cloth diaper is just like a disposable but

Thursday Giveaway: Energy = Milk + Cuddles
January 21, 2015 4:45 pm | by

Who could use a quick boost of energy right now? *Raises hand* As parents, we do so much — often to the point we wear ourselves down and we’re ready to just crash. Let’s take a break from all the hustle and bustle and think about what what gives us energy. Is it a cup of coffee, a full eight hours of sleep, exercising or a healthy meal? Now imagine if you’re a baby and ask yourself the same question: what helps you make it through the day? Milk and cuddles seems to be the winning combo. If your little one

Cloth 101: Cloth Diapering a Newborn
January 12, 2015 7:49 pm | by
Prepping Cloth Diapers

Using cloth diapers on a newborn may be something you’re into. Or maybe not. But either way, you’ve gotta start somewhere. Many people think cloth diapering a newborn is impossible. We’ll be the first to tell you that nothing is impossible, especially when it comes to cloth diapers. Cloth diapering a newborn is easier than you think. Here are a few things to remember: Unlike a toddler, newborn babies don’t move around very often. BONUS: they can’t undo hook and loop closures, pull snaps, or take off their diapers. You can look forward to that in a year or so. Newborns

Thursday Giveaway: Happy New Year!
January 1, 2015 11:51 am | by

Happy New Year! 2015 is officially here, so let’s celebrate in style! Speaking of style, cloth diapers have a ton. Literally. From all-in-ones and prefolds with covers to pockets and hybrids, you can find a style of cloth diapers to fit your needs. For this week’s giveaway, we want to help you bring in the New Year with your favorite style cloth diaper. One person will win 6 bumGenius, Flip or Econobum diapers of their choice. To enter, tell us what you’re looking forward to in 2015. Need a refresher on the different cloth diaper styles available? Find it here.