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Tag Archive: good moms

I’m Glad You Were Born WINNERS!
May 20, 2011 4:15 pm | by

We had some amazing entries in our “I’m Glad You Were Born” contest. There we so many inspirational, moving and loving stories share with us, we hope you had time to read a few and be inspired about the blessings that children bring into our lives and our world. Here at Cotton Babies, we really enjoy getting the opportunity to learn a bit more about the people we serve every day. It was a pleasure to read what you shared about you, your family, your hopes and your dreams. One of the core values of Cotton Babies is that we

Turn That Frown Upside Down
May 19, 2011 4:46 am | by

For today’s installment of Real Mom Talk, we’re trying something new. Today will be the voices of real moms, sharing their tips and experience. We’ve all had rough, difficult or just plain bad days. It seems that once you add another life into the mix, the chances of things not going as planned seem to multiply exponentially. So what do you do when you recognize things aren’t going so well and how do you change it?   Yesterday, we asked our Facebook fans: Did your mother ever tell you “Turn that frown upside down”? How do you turn around a

You’re One Good Mum and bumGenius Giveaway
May 17, 2011 3:14 am | by

While we comb (and cry) our way through the entries for our “I’m Glad You Were Born” giveaway, it’s become quite clear our Cotton Babies community is filled with great parents and caregivers. While we are busy trying to select the best of the best of those entries, we’d like to share a little giveaway fun with you. For today’s blog giveaway, three random winners will each receive a Cotton Babies “You’re One Good Mum!” t-shirt and a bumGenius 4.0 cloth diaper. We hope that each time you wear this and look in the mirror you are reminded what a

I’m glad you were born
May 11, 2011 5:09 am | by

To my princess, I’m glad you were born. I’ll admit “glad” was not the word that came to my mind the day I sat staring at those two lines as the sounds of three little boys under 18 months of age bombarded me through the bathroom door. Terrified, shocked, worn, nervous… all of these things, but not exactly glad, at least not in those early minutes. Those same emotions flooded me again the day we saw you on the ultrasound and heard you were a girl. I recall thinking, “But I KNOW how to raise boys! I’m not ready for

Mother’s Day 2011: I’m glad you were born
May 6, 2011 4:50 am | by

Last year, we introduced “I’m So Glad You Were Born” as a special mother’s day promotion. We were overwhelmed with the responses and really moved by your amazing stories. We loved the results so much, we just had to host this contest again. But this time, we’re just going to make sure we have a big box of tissues ready for the judging session. For those who are new to Cotton Babies or may have missed last year’s contest, here the original blog post and inspiration for the contest: Have you ever told your kids how happy you are that

Feelin’ fine in just a few minutes time
March 23, 2011 5:00 am | by

A while back, we asked for “Real Mom Talk” topics and one mom suggested ‘how to look your best when you haven’t showered in days.’ When I read it aloud to the Cotton Babies offices, a mom immediately answered “Flat Iron!” While a little tongue-in-cheek, it’s a great topic to discuss. It’s hard to feel your best when you are sleep deprived and your body is recovering from pregnancy and delivery. Add breastfeeding into the mix and it’s easy to feel as if your body is not your own. It’s taken some time, but with boldness, I learned to ask

International Women’s Day
March 8, 2011 5:08 pm | by

Today, March 8, 2011 is the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day. You can read more about the history of International Women’s Day, the theme and events at the official website. The theme for 2011 is “Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women”. If you hadn’t already noticed, the natural parenting and cloth diapering communities are filled with amazing women that work hard to improve the lives of their own family, as well as families around them. These women invent products to fill a need and then ensure the products are created

How To: Turkey Dinner for the Holidays
November 23, 2010 6:00 am | by

As we were discussing what to post on the blog around Thanksgiving, we started laughing in the office about how many of us have completely failed at trying to have a turkey dinner. Most of us have had at least one spectacular failure… many of the others had just never tried. My assistant, Rita, has previously offered to share her mother’s recipe for a successful Thanksgiving Day with me and I’d foolishly declined… thinking I’d be just fine. Unfortunately, last year’s Thanksgiving was a total train wreck. At 4pm (lunch was supposed to be at 2), I was near tears

Is motherhood a prison?
November 16, 2010 2:38 pm | by

The Wall Street Journal just published an opinion piece on attachment parenting & cloth diapers in their Saturday edition. The headline – “Spend every moment with your child? Make your own baby food and use cloth diapers? Erica Jong wonders how motherhood became such a prison for modern women.“ The author is clearly talented. Her article was deftly written to stab a knife in the heart of those who have wielded other equally venomous attacks in her direction.She eloquently attacked the parenting style, but I wish she had identified the real issue before writing a sadly misdirected article to be

What Happened to my Body?
November 12, 2010 10:09 am | by

As many of you have already commented, one of the biggest changes that no one shares with you during the nine glorious months of pregnancy is how many different parts of your body will never be the same after carrying a child. My body changed slowly each day for nine months to adjust to carry my child and yet I somehow was disappointed when two days after delivery my body still looked six months pregnant. My stomach was saggy, spongy and deflated and my hips were wider than my shoulders. I expected it all to magically snap back into place