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Thursday Giveaway: Summer Love
May 21, 2014 6:29 pm | by

Summer, the season of love. Whether it’s the warmer temperatures or bright sunny skies, there’s always a lot to enjoy. But if your a parent who needs help caring for your family, summer can also be stressful and you’re forced to worry about child care, meals and other basic necessities like diapers.  Our national cloth diaper bank, Share the Love, was created to help needy families — all year round. It’s a locally-sustainable, nationally-accessible program that has more than 100 host sites throughout the U.S. This summer, we want to continue spreading the word about Share the Love while also making

Real Mom Talk: Memorial Day
May 20, 2014 11:59 am | by

Memorial Day is a holiday in which we reflect upon those who have served for our country, especially those who have gave their lives for our freedom. With my husband being active duty in the United States Marine Corps, this holiday holds a special place in my heart.  Here in the states, we tend to forget the actual meaning of this holiday. It’s fun to have a day off work to jump start the summer festivities, but it’s also important to reflect upon this holiday and celebrate the true meaning behind it. I’m sharing with you a few fun memorial

Cloth 101: Washing Cloth Diapers, A Look at the Last 10 Years
May 18, 2014 11:12 am | by

I recently read a post in a forum from a cloth diapering mom complaining that her cloth diapers weren’t clean.  Her friend had told her to use a sprinkle of detergent when washing her cloth diapers.  She was frustrated because the amount of detergent she was using wasn’t working.  As I read the responses, I realized that many of the people writing had profiles that were relatively new and were probably unaware of the history of washing recommendations in the cloth diaper industry.  This post grew out of a desire to bring some clarity to that history. The “tiny little

Thursday Giveaway: The Power of a Hybrid
May 14, 2014 6:08 pm | by

What’s the definition of a hybrid? Well, if you ask a car lover the same question, they will most likely say, “Prius.” If you ask a zoologist, they will respond with “Zebroid.” And if you ask someone who uses cloth diapers, they’ll instantly exclaim, “FLIP!” Flip Hybrid Diapers allow parents to use one cloth diaper cover with three absorbent insert options to meet their changing needs. Just choose from stay-dry, organic or disposable inserts.  Change it up and try something new or grab something fast and convenient. But whatever you prefer, Flip gives you flexible choices when it comes to cloth diapering,

Real Mom Talk: Mommy Time
May 14, 2014 5:23 pm | by

Evidently, being a mother means never going to the bathroom alone, always sharing your food, late nights and early mornings, and having to change cloth diapers,  clean up snot, poop, and vomit on a regular basis. Welcome to motherhood! As a mother, I rarely get time to myself to even think but it’s very important that I do get some “me” time here and there. And you need it too!!  Being a woman is not easy. (Being a person in general isn’t easy!) But women seem to have things constantly on their shoulders. I know I always have a meal

Real Mom Talk: The Myths of Motherhood
May 13, 2014 5:00 pm | by

I have always liked kids.  I was the number one babysitter on my street, a second mom to my little brother and worked at a daycare for my summer jobs.  No one was surprised when I graduated college with an Early Childhood degree.  After you graduate and teach for a while, you definitely become the expert on kids – or so I thought.  I would even stop moms with screaming toddlers at the grocery stores and give them tips on “positive reinforcement.” I am very sorry.  I loved giving parenting “advice” to those who were close because I was the expert…

Real Mom Talk: Twins are AWESOME
May 12, 2014 12:28 pm | by

 “Double the trouble!”  “You’ve got your hands full!”  “I could never do that!”  “Why do you look so tired all the time?”  Those are just a few common things a mom of twins hears. Raising twins is a lot of work, but no one wants to tell you the wonderful, outweighing benefits of two at a time.  It is absolutely thrilling and wonderful, and here is why… Everyone wants to tell you it is double the work.  It is not double the work.  If we are getting technical it is maybe 1.25x more work.  Think about it; your baby’s diaper is dirty

Cloth 201: Yeast and Cloth Diapers
May 11, 2014 12:14 pm | by

There’s a lingering recommendation in the cloth diaper community that a few drops of tea tree oil will remove yeast in cloth diapers.  We are not aware of any study showing that tea tree oil is effective in removing yeast from cloth diapers when used in a washing machine in very low concentrations. We do know that tea tree oil has been studied as an effective remedy for a few common human ailments including acne and athletes foot.  In the published studies I uncovered, effective treatment involved a concentrated topical solution ranging from 5-100% concentration.  To achieve this concentration in a laundry environment

Real Mom Talk: My First Mother’s Day Card
May 11, 2014 11:50 am | by

My first Mother Day card read “Happy Mother’s Day to a Wonderful Mother.”  My friend bought it for me when I was 33 weeks pregnant.  Reading the words “Wonderful Mother,” in a card addressed to me was very unnerving.  Mothers wore pearls. They were older and had their lives together.  And this wasn’t me. I wasn’t ready to be a mother (or so I thought) and definitely didn’t have anything together. The moment motherhood actually started to hit me was when I was sitting on the floor in a Walgreens bathroom, holding three positive pregnancy tests.  I took three just

Real Mom Talk: How Motherhood Changed Me
May 10, 2014 12:12 pm | by

I am a “young mom” so motherhood changed me drastically and probably before I was ready. When I became a mom, I was 18 years young. I had just graduated high school.  To say that we weren’t ready is kind of an understatement. But we did it and we made it. I will never forget that moment that baby A was handed to me. She had these beautiful big eyes that just looked at me with such wonder. That moment, I became a mother. I was responsible for another person’s life. It was up to me to feed her, clothe