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Inside Cotton Babies: Afternoon DJ
September 5, 2012 2:05 pm | by

At Cotton Babies, we love music! If you walked through our office and warehouse, you’d see people with iPods, wearing ear buds and occasionally music coming through speakers. In the marketing office, we even like to play “Afternoon DJ,” a game in which we each take turns choosing a song that’s often based on a theme for the day. Our musical styles vary greatly, as do our ages, so the result is often fun and entertaining. To celebrate 30,000 Facebook likes on the Cotton Babies page, we put together a little playlist to give you an inside peek at what

Cloth 201: Cloth diapers and mold
September 3, 2012 3:06 pm | by

I know it’s a holiday, but quick… did you grab that wet bag out of the trunk of the car when you came home last night? If not, go run and grab it before you get distracted. It’s so easy to get distracted and lose track of a diaper or two, or even worse, your whole stash. It’s sad, but we occasionally hear stories of a cloth diapering parent’s worst nightmare… losing part or all of their cloth diaper stash due to mold, mildew or worse. Mold will look like little black dots scattered in the fibers of your cloth

SALE: How do you Flip?
August 31, 2012 4:12 pm | by

We’ve talked a lot about pocket diapers lately, especially since the bumGenius Buy 5, Get 1 Free is sale coming to a close, but we know a lot of you absolutely LOVE your Flip diapers. Don’t feel left out, we have a great deal for you too! Flip covers are currently Buy 2, Get 1 Free! Megan shared her thoughts with us in a review earlier this month: “I’m in love with flip covers! I always reach for these. I usually use the regular size chinese prefolds with them… I can adjust and fold the prefolds as he grows, and

Prenatal Yoga
August 29, 2012 3:29 pm | by

I admit it: in my pre-kid years, I was kind of a yoga addict! I’ve never been a huge fan of exercise that involves a lot of bouncing around, huffing and puffing, or excessive sweating. I love how my muscles pull and stretch in yoga and slowly became stronger while the deep breathing relaxes my whole body. Another aspect of yoga that I that I particularly appreciated during my first pregnancy was the ability to modify almost any routine or move to accommodate various physical challenges, such as a watermelon-sized bump in the middle of my body. Because I have

Tuesday Giveaway: Going, going, gone!
August 28, 2012 12:58 pm | by

Just like the fleeting days of summer, there are only a few days remaining to grab your favorite Buy 5, Get 1 FREE deal on bumGenius 4.0 cloth diapers. This great deal ends Friday, August 31, 2012. Whether you’ve recently found out your family is growing by another 2 (or more) feet, you want to add a few new colors to your rotation, or you just want to stock up for all those baby showers you’ll be attending later this fall, now is the perfect time to catch our best deal on bumGenius 4.0 cloth diapers. We recently added another

Congratulations to James Nipper, winner of The CAN Challenge!
August 24, 2012 2:03 pm | by

James Nipper of Knoxville, Tenn. was the winner with the fastest time of 0.59 seconds. James was very dedicated to his training. After attending the launch event at Fluff n’ Stuff, James went back several times each week to improve his technique and time. He was a man with a mission. But what really touched us about James’ story was what happened before The CAN Challenge ever began. James is an army veteran, having served in Iraq, where his unit was hit by a roadside bomb. James is now medically retired from the U.S. Army due to injuries received during

SALE: Great Big Sale on Teeny Tiny Cloth Diapers!
August 23, 2012 10:23 am | by

You’ve asked for it and it’s finally here! If you are expecting a new addition in the coming months, now is the time to stock up on bumGenius Newborn cloth diapers. We have two great ways for you to save. If you are building a brand new stash, you’ll want to pick up the Buy 10, Get 2 Free deal. We recommend 24 cloth diapers if you plan on full time cloth diapering a newborn, so this package deal will give you about a day’s worth of cloth diapers. Already have some newborn cloth diapers from an older sibling? Buying

When big kids go back to school
August 22, 2012 11:30 am | by

Yay! School is back in session! I mean, I think. I was getting a little worn out being Addie’s cruise director everyday. She learned the fine art of being bored this summer but she also managed to ask enough questions that I began to go cross eyed by the end of July. Addie was an only child for the first six years of her life and she’ll go through most of her life as a somewhat only child. She’ll never be in the same school as her sister at the same time, they’re not likely to have the same group

CONTEST: Win a 12 pack of bumGenius cloth diapers!
August 21, 2012 4:39 pm | by

The clock is ticking. Only a few days remain to get your entry posted online for our 2nd Annual Virtual Stroller Parade! The grand prize winner will receive a 12 pack of bumGenius, Flip or Econobum cloth diapers in the style of their choice. Yes, that means you could win 12 bumGenius Elementals or Freetimes if that is what your heart desires. All it takes is a little creativity and a few minutes to upload photos of your creation. Until August 26, decorate your stroller (or wagon, doll stroller or any child moving device with wheels) like a parade float

Dolls for every age!
August 17, 2012 11:41 am | by

I love baby dolls! All of my children had baby dolls from a very young age. My first child was about 9 months old when we found out we were expecting our second (well, what we later found out was our second AND third). One of the best pieces of advice we received was to get him a doll. As the time for the new addition(s) approached, we pretended we were feeding and changing the baby doll. Then once our twins arrived, he could feed and change his baby right alongside mommy and daddy. It was a challenge to find