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Fall Activities Bucket List
October 24, 2016 11:18 am | by

It’s officially that time of the year… The leaves are changing, the air is crisp, pumpkin spice is everywhere and you can officially break-out all of the sweaters and cardigans! Fall is, hands down, my most favorite time of the year. It’s such a lovely little transition from the warm summer months into the holiday season, so I always try to soak up the amazing weather and take my little one to do some of the fun activities that come with the season! So far, we’ve already made it to our local Apple Orchard and picked more apples than we could

How I Overcame Depression
October 5, 2016 8:00 am | by

I’m not sure how to start a conversation about depression, but I know it’s a conversation that needs to happen. It’s not something people like to talk about, but it’s important we do so – especially us mamas. Depression seems to create a lonely vacuum that makes us think that we’re the only one experiencing it and that no one would understand. So we stay quiet – suffering in silence – but I know first hand that the darkness of depression begins to lose its grip when we simply talk about it. For me, stress began to build when our family faced

Camping with Baby
October 4, 2016 10:29 pm | by

I’m going to start this off by saying… I’m not an “outdoorsy” kind of girl. I’ve only recently started camping with our kids because well, they like it, and I like to see the smiles on their faces from experiencing new adventures. So now, we go camping. This summer, we went camping four or five times. I guess you could say we kind of became pros at it! Traveling with a baby can be stressful – especially if it isn’t something you’re used to doing. But it can be fun! Here are 8 simple tips to make camping with baby a

Hacks to Get Your Kids to Eat Healthy
October 3, 2016 4:34 pm | by

If you think it takes FBI-level negotiation skills to convince a toddler to eat their vegetables – you’re completely right. However if you’re up to the task, here are a few mom hacks that you can use to create healthy meals for your family. Breakfast Spinach Smoothies: Add frozen bananas, frozen strawberries and frozen blueberries with spinach and unsweetened coconut or almond milk for a yummy AND healthy smoothie. The frozen fruit will overpower the blended spinach and your kids will have no idea they are “drinking a salad.” Egg Casserole: Gather all of the unused produce that hasn’t made it into this week’s

Baby Shower Gifts For Non-Cloth Diapering Parents
September 21, 2016 8:00 am | by

I don’t know about you, but I love buying baby shower gifts! Buying for a fellow cloth diapering mom-to-be can be easy (and fun) because it gives you a reason to #buyallthediapers! But what do you buy from your favorite cloth diaper retailer for the mama that doesn’t want to cloth diaper? Here are a few super affordable gift ideas! A Wet Bag. Most mom-to-be’s don’t think of this, but wet bags can be handy even if they’re not cloth diapering! They can be a lifesaver in extreme situations, such as “poopsplosions” when you’re out and about with baby.   JuJuBe Be Quick Bag. This is one of

My Ideal Baby Registry
September 20, 2016 3:00 pm | by

After having my first baby, I learned a lot of things – like what baby products worked and what I wish I would have registered for. With my second baby now on the way, I’m shopping for products that are functional, long lasting and don’t take up a ton of space. Less is more this time around! Here’s my ideal baby registry, including a few of the products I wish I would have registered for with my first! 1. Quality Newborn Sleepers – I bought so many sleepers with my first, but I failed to buy any in a newborn size. Silly, I

Introverted Mama Musings
September 13, 2016 7:00 am | by

Let’s chat for a moment about being a mom and an introvert.  I often feel that in a culture that caters more to extraverted people, it’s a little more difficult for us introverted mamas to chat about our lives.  Talking may not be the easiest thing for us introverts, but there is another way.  Writing, on the other hand, is  has always been by outlet (easier than talking), so let’s start a dialogue about being an introverted mama.  Before Kids I used my mornings to recharge and get ready for my days full of children and parents.  I used to teach early childhood special

Back to School: The Second Time
September 12, 2016 11:09 am | by

This summer flew by! One day, we’re hanging out by the pool and the next thing I know, it’s time for the kids to go back to school! This may be our second year of “school life,” but I have to say – it does not get any easier leaving them on that very first day.  This year is a little more of an adjustment for me because I not only have a child in full-day kindergarten, but also one preschool half the day. I must admit – my routine is starting off pretty hectic. I’m basically a chauffeur half the day, driving back and

My First Reaction to Cloth Diapers
September 2, 2016 8:00 am | by

When I had my first child, I didn’t even know that cloth diapers were still a thing. So of course, there was no question in my mind whether or not I would use disposable diapers. It wasn’t until my second pregnancy that I discovered cloth diapers still existed. You see, my sister-in-law was also pregnant at the time and after some research, she made the decision to cloth her first baby. I, however, still had the mindset of using disposable diapers. It’s just what you did, or so I thought. So what was my first reaction to cloth diapers? “Ummmmm that’s disgusting. You’re going

10 Signs You’re a Cloth Diapering Family
August 30, 2016 4:55 pm | by

How do you know you’re a cloth diapering family? Here are 10 signs you can look out for! 10.)  You use coconut oil on EVERYTHING! 9.)  You look for baby shirts when you shop for your baby, not onesies. 8.)  Wet bags…. Wet bags everywhere. You found numerous ways to use them so you’re *almost* wet bag obsessed. 7.)  You can’t help but play “disposable or cloth” while at the playground. Can you guess what type of diaper the other babies have on? 6.)  Your mind goes to cloth-diaper related things when people start talking in “code.”    CD= Most people talk about actual