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real mom talk

Real Mom Talk: Dealing With Stress
January 13, 2015 8:49 pm | by

Stress can be such a bother when you are a busy parent. Not only does it affect you as an individual, but it can have a role on your family as well. Stress can be caused by many different things and can cause a lot of trouble. Knowing how to properly deal with stress can make your life so much easier and peaceful. Here are a few things I do to deal with stress on a regular basis.  Don’t sweat the small stuff. My house being untidy stresses me out. A few months ago, I realized how much it was

Real Mom Talk: Family New Year’s Resolutions
January 7, 2015 7:36 pm | by

Now that it’s a New Year, I’ve decided to focus more on what I can do for my family instead of what I can just do for myself. I’m not one to usually make New Year’s Resolutions because I always feel like I can and always work to improve, but I felt like I could use the new year as motivation and I’ve decided to focus on my family new year’s resolutions. This year, I’m going to improve our family life. Changing things for the whole family can be difficult if it’s too drastic or something they’re not on board with.

Real Mom Talk: Traveling with Children
December 16, 2014 8:30 pm | by

When it comes to traveling with a baby/toddler, I think I’ve become quite the pro at it. Recently, we traveled 25+ hours, by car — with an energetic 2 year old. What an experience that was. With the holidays in full swing, I know many of you will be busy traveling with your own children. Here are a few helpful tips to make getting to your destination a little smoother.  Create a “Fun Box.” This was a lifesaver on our trip. I picked up a small plastic basket from the store and filled it with things that were fun like

Real Mom Talk: Christmas Gifts for Mom
December 8, 2014 8:36 pm | by

What do moms really want for Christmas? To sleep in and go to the bathroom without toddlers banging on the door. But since that isn’t in the cards for the next few years, here is a list of practical Christmas gifts that any mom will love: Reusable water bottle or coffee mug. These are cute, convenient and a great way to stay hydrated. Lifefactory makes durable glass water bottles that are a healthy alternative to plastic. Wallet or billfold. Petunia Pickle Bottom carries adorable and affordable wallets to match any bag. Hat, scarf or mittens. Every woman loves (and needs) stylish

Real Mom Talk: Quick Holiday Recipes for the Family
December 7, 2014 3:53 pm | by

With all the hustle and bustle during the holidays, who has time to slave in the kitchen, crafting the perfect dish? In my family, quick and easy recipes are our go-to, and one of our favorites is cranberry jello! It’s an old family recipe that I learned to make when I was a little girl and now I bring it to all our holiday get togethers! Here’s what you need: The larger box of Strawberry Jello Can of crushed pineapple Can of Ocean Spray Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce At least 16oz Frozen Strawberries Crushed Pecans or Walnuts optional Directions: 1) Take 2

Real Mom Talk: Treating Colds Naturally
November 6, 2014 7:38 pm | by

Since my family began using cloth diapers, we’ve ventured into other products that will help us live a more natural lifestyle. When cold and flu season hit, we try to be proactive and prevent nasty germs from getting us sick, but I also make sure we’re ready when it finally makes the house come crashing down. For prevention, my husband and I amp up our Vitamin C intake. Mainly, it’s just me because he forgets. I also make the kids some Elderberry syrup and I want to try making Elderberry gummies. I take a spoonful every now and then, but

Real Mom Talk: Transitioning from Cloth Diapers to Potty Training
October 21, 2014 7:15 pm | by

As a parent, you’ll go through many phases with your child. It can be monsters in the closet, sleeping troubles, and issues with hitting. But what you don’t realize is that diapering is just a phase as well. Sure, it’ll be a phase that lasts up to three years, but a phase nonetheless. Transitioning from a cloth diaper addict to a potty training mom can be difficult. I’ll admit…. Bai is potty trained during the day and only wears diapers at bedtime. And I bought the new Bumgenius print- Martin. She may only wear it once or twice but the

Real Mom Talk: Halloween Costumes, DIY-Style!
October 13, 2014 7:02 pm | by

The spooky season is upon us! And one way to make Halloween extra fun is to create costumes with your kids! I’ve made most of my kids’ costumes over the past 6 years. One thing that has kept the tradition going is that my kids have so much fun with it. They love coming up with their own ideas for costumes. We also try to stay away from the scary stuff, which leaves a lot of room for creativity and their own personal interests. My oldest son has been a scarecrow, a cowboy, the Alphabet Tree from Chicka-Chicka-Boom-Boom, the letter

Real Mom Talk: Meeting Parents
October 8, 2014 7:26 pm | by

Being a parent is a peculiar mix of never being alone, yet frequently being lonely. While it’s incredibly rewarding to raise children, it’s also isolating and, let’s face it, a little boring at times. I love Play-Doh as much as anybody else, but there comes a point (usually 45-60 minutes in) where I want to have an adult conversation.   Enter other parents. They can relate to you, hold your kid while you pee, not care when your toddler throws a tantrum, and offer some much-needed social interaction. But how do you meet other parents? Where do you start? Well, it’s

Real Mom Talk: Teething Toddlers
September 29, 2014 7:54 pm | by

A teething toddler can be just as tough to handle as a teething baby. Those first and second year molars can be a real bother for your energetic little and a stressful time for mama as well. Today, I’m sharing a few helpful tips that have done wonders for my (almost) two year old.  So, what are the most common teething symptoms in toddlers? Some of the most common teething symptoms include: refusal to eat biting swollen gums, sensitive gums drooling  disrupted sleep irritable  Teething Remedies Teething Toys – The Jellystone jChews are perfect for teething toddlers. They are strong enough for your little