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real mom talk

Real Mom Talk: Avoiding Burnout
April 27, 2015 7:18 pm | by

After reviewing my resume during a job interview, the interviewer said, “You have been a personal chef, nurse, coach, financial advisor, janitor, photographer, videographer, life coach, counselor, and chauffeur?” And I replied, “Yes, I’m a mother.” That’s not actually true. It’s supposed to be an ironic joke showcasing the multi-faceted roles that mothers take on daily. When I had my identical twin girls, all of my instincts kicked in and I felt like I was born to be a mother. Now, many years and children later, I wouldn’t mind running away to the beach for a couple days. I call

Real Mom Talk: Making Friends
April 14, 2015 6:29 pm | by

When my twins turned 2, I realized I was experiencing burn out. Like my parents, my children consumed everything. I cooked only what they ate, all of our outings were based around their naps and instead of going to the movies or tapas restaurants, we would go to the zoo or park. It was wonderful to have kids, but I was forgetting to take care of myself. I really needed a girls night. I wanted to talk about something or someone other than Dora. I spent the last two years indoors investing in my kids, which is awesome, but I

Real Mom Talk: Meal Planning Made Easy
April 6, 2015 8:25 pm | by

Pop quiz: What’s worse than staring blankly at your pantry each night, wondering what on earth you’re going to cook for dinner? Answer: Nothing! At least, that’s how I feel! And about 7 years ago I realized something had to change. I had just returned to work after having my first child, and I was desperately looking for ways to streamline our evening routine. By the time I got home from work, tried to think of something to make for dinner, cooked, cleaned up, then my baby was ready for bed! I felt like I wasn’t getting any quality time with

Real Mom Talk: Bunny Snacks!
March 30, 2015 8:18 pm | by

With Easter right around the corner, I wanted to share a fun and easy snack mix recipe perfect for anytime of the year! We are big snack/trail mix eaters around here and this little snack is fun to make and delicious to eat. Not to mention it’s quite a handy little snack for the busy parent. I will usually make a large batch and store some for later! Here’s how to make this fun Easter-inspired snack mix!  Ingredients  6c. Plain Chex Mix  2c. Pretzels  2c. Annie’s Homegrown Cheddar Bunnies (you can find these in most grocery stores)  1c. Nuts (I

Real Mom Talk: Choosing Cloth Diapers
March 23, 2015 8:48 pm | by

I’ve worked at Cotton Babies for nearly five years. So when I became pregnant, I knew I would cloth diaper my baby. But what surprised me about cloth is that I had A TON of questions — even though I was surrounded by diapers! The first big question: Which system do I want to use? I remember my sister asking me the same question when she had her first baby. I had no idea what to recommend at the time so I said try a little bit of everything to see what works best for you. But when it came to choosing

Real Mom Talk: Potty Training Your Toddler
March 15, 2015 7:26 pm | by

So you think your child is ready for potty training. Awesome! She is exhibiting all the signs of readiness: she wakes up dry after nap and in the mornings, tells you before or after she goes, loves to exhibit independence, shows interest when YOU have to go (that’s always fun), and hates having a dirty diaper. There are probably more signs but I feel these are the most obvious. So whether your child is 18 months or almost 4, if he or she is exhibiting some of this behavior, you may want to give it a try! I’ll admit that

Real Mom Talk: Letting Kids Choose Their Own Clothes
February 23, 2015 6:46 pm | by

Getting 3 kids out of bed, dressed, fed, and out the door each morning is a circus: matching outfits, brushing teeth, combing hair, finding shoes, putting on coats. It’s chaos. A time-sucker. It’s not for the faint of heart. Mama’s always trying to find a way to make it easier. I used to pick out a week’s worth of outfits per kid every Sunday night. This way we’d have an easier time getting out the door each morning. Sometimes this would backfire. On more than one occasion, my daughter put ALL of the clothes on, as well as her brother’s

Real Mom Talk: Date Night Ideas
February 14, 2015 8:20 am | by

It’s Valentine’s Day, so are you and your spouse looking for a last-minute date night idea like most other parents? Or maybe you’re just stuck doing the same thing every time you find a sitter and you need something new to do with your significant other. Here are 5 ideas for for a child-free date night! Maybe you can’t afford a sitter tonight or you couldn’t find one on such short notice. Make a small dinner for the kids and put them to bed. Then, enjoy a more fancy dinner (or hey, takeout works too!) with your partner without the

Real Mom Talk: Valentine’s Day Pregnancy Announcements
February 12, 2015 8:22 pm | by

Ahhh. Love is in the air. And it’s been a cold winter in some parts of the U.S., so let’s turn up the heat! You probably get the idea, but if not, I’m talking about BABIES, which research shows more are conceived during the beginning of the year 😉 Are you expecting a new bundle of joy? I was looking on Pinterest and found these ADORABLE ways to announce a new baby around Valentine’s Day! Here are a few ways you can announce a pregnancy around Valentine’s Day! <3 Some of the announcements I’ve seen are really adorable! I almost wish

Real Mom Talk: Perceptions of Being a Mom Vs. Reality
February 4, 2015 7:18 pm | by

Everyone has an idea of what the perfect mom is. She is beautiful and kind, never ever yells or gets angry, and provides every meal without processed sugar or flour.Her house has no dust bunnies and she definitely doesn’t wear sweatpants to the library. She is always providing educational opportunities for learning and growing. We all see her on social media. We strive to be perfect like her when in reality, it really isn’t reality. It is a perception of what is real and it is (very) unobtainable. With the flood of information that is so readily available at our fingertips, we also bear the