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real mom talk

Prenatal Yoga
August 29, 2012 3:29 pm | by

I admit it: in my pre-kid years, I was kind of a yoga addict! I’ve never been a huge fan of exercise that involves a lot of bouncing around, huffing and puffing, or excessive sweating. I love how my muscles pull and stretch in yoga and slowly became stronger while the deep breathing relaxes my whole body. Another aspect of yoga that I that I particularly appreciated during my first pregnancy was the ability to modify almost any routine or move to accommodate various physical challenges, such as a watermelon-sized bump in the middle of my body. Because I have

When big kids go back to school
August 22, 2012 11:30 am | by

Yay! School is back in session! I mean, I think. I was getting a little worn out being Addie’s cruise director everyday. She learned the fine art of being bored this summer but she also managed to ask enough questions that I began to go cross eyed by the end of July. Addie was an only child for the first six years of her life and she’ll go through most of her life as a somewhat only child. She’ll never be in the same school as her sister at the same time, they’re not likely to have the same group

When Mom’s Away
August 15, 2012 1:40 pm | by

So this week I will leave behind my baby and big kid with my big husband and flew away to New York City for five glorious and exhausting days. However, I’m convinced that the five days leading up to leaving may be more exhausting than the five days I actually spend in New York. (That city makes me SO TIRED.) My husband works full time and I know he doesn’t have time to cook, clean, organize and run the house the way I do, not because he’s incapable, but because he’s gone 9 hours a day and doesn’t witness how

My toughest interview
August 8, 2012 5:13 pm | by

I remember how nervous I was at my first “real” job interview after I graduated from college. I had the perfect professional suit, a leather portfolio with copies of my resume and a legal pad for taking notes and the most effective anti-perspirant I could find on the drug store shelves. It took a few interviews, but eventually I relaxed a bit, gained some confidence and eventually landed a job.   What no one bothered to tell me was that those early professional interviews wouldn’t hold a candle to the interviews I have these days… the nanny interviews. In the

Mom’s Top Ten List
August 1, 2012 3:10 pm | by

I’ll be traveling this week to New York City for the annual BlogHer blogging conference – without my kids! I am so excited about this chance to meet with so many of my wonderful internet friends*, and to be encouraged by all the sessions and speakers. While I’m away, my husband and in-laws will be taking turns caring for the kids, currently 2.5 years old and 17 months. You might wonder, are you worried that things will fall apart while you’re gone? What if the discipline slips? No, I don’t really worry about those things. Here is part of the

How to Stay Cool While Pregnant
July 25, 2012 10:40 am | by

It’s summer. It’s supposed to be hot. But every summer seems like it’s hotter than the summer before, especially if you’re hugely pregnant. My daughter was born in September, so I experienced a full hot pregnant summer, and my son was just born in June. (Apparently I like weighing an extra 35 pounds while it’s 100 degrees out.) When it’s this hot out, it’s important to stay cool not just for your comfort, but for your health. Drink LOTS of water. If you already drink a ton of water, that’s great. Drink more. This is so incredibly important, especially when

Toddler Chores
July 11, 2012 3:29 pm | by

Can I let you in on a little secret? Toddlers LOVE chores. I know it’s hard to fathom. When we hear the word chores, endless piles of dishes and laundry spring to mind. Miraculously, that is not what toddlers think of. They think it’s fun! It took me a few babies to discover this awesome fact. I wish I’d know earlier, which is why I’m sharing with you today. However, before reading further, there are a couple of disclaimers.   First, doing chores with toddlers takes approximately ten times longer than if you did them yourself. However, there is a

My Modular Diaper Bag
July 2, 2012 7:55 pm | by

Our last post featured the contents of Jill’s diaper bag, so I thought I’d show you mine, too! My favorite diaper bag was always the Petunia Picklebottom touring tote, but when we added a second child in cloth diapers to our family, it was suddenly too small! Instead of upgrading to the Sashay Satchel (which would have been my first choice but wasn’t in the budget at the time), I decided to go to Etsy and find an artisan that could make me a bag from cloth. Mine was custom-made, but here’s the design it is based on from The

That’s How I Roll… With My Diaper Bag
June 30, 2012 12:35 pm | by

After toting diaper bags for over 4 years, I think I finally have the contents paired down to the right amount of helpful stuff without over-stuffing it with half the medicine cabinet and 2/3 of the nursery. Come on, admit it. As a new mom you walk around with so much stuff for your baby, you should be dragging a rolling luggage bag behind you, right? Granted, we are beyond the newborn stage, and I have one who’s potty trained, so I don’t need to carry quite as much stuff as is needed with tiny babies. So here’s a little

Family Camping
June 27, 2012 2:23 pm | by

This week is National Camping Week and to celebrate, our family went camping last weekend for the first time since we’ve become parents. I love being outdoors and since my husband and I both work in tech-related fields, it’s very difficult for us to completely disconnect and take a break as long as there is cell service available. There’s nothing quite like going deep into the woods to render your smartphone useless. At first, our kids seemed to be annoyed at the amount of effort required to do anything, especially the hike to the outhouse. There was a great deal